Sunday, May 16, 2010

Colored Contact Lenses

I recently purchased a pair of colored contact lenses from the mall. I have always adored the idea of looking different temporarily and playing with colors in your eyes as you can always go back to your normal self, however I am not the type that can stand anything around my eyes. Well I got them! Got them in Misty Hazel. I think they make me look a little bug eyed and I didnt think they were this round, but still getting used to having stuff in my eye for a few hours.

What do you ladies think? Yay or Nay or maybe I should try another color to best suit me?


  1. It looks good, but I'm not a fan of colored contacts. I bought a pair a couple years back and they were so firm and I felt them in my eye. I wear contacts on the daily too. It was weird. I also felt they looked fake in person, so I used them for picture taking for awhile lol.


  2. These lenses are actually soft but I do agree w/you LauraBeth they are best for pic taking and when you go out to the club w.the girls.

  3. I think they look really good! I just ordered some new colored contacts :) I can't wait to use them to create some fun looks to share on my blog. Thanks for following!


  4. This color suits you well. Looks natural (new follower)

  5. I think it looks're just not use to them yet. I use Grey and grey/green sometimes....I just hate when they start to get dry after a few hours.

  6. hey hun =)
    i'm having a makeup sale on my blog, so feel free to check it out!

  7. I like them! I have mine in pure hazel but from FreshLook Colorblends, mine do have prescription and it took me a while to get use to them, but I love them :)
